The Making of Our Melbourne Central Store

January: Getting Inspired

In early January, our founder, Sky, had the idea to create a store space that would truly bring our brand to life. With the vision to capture the urban street style of Melbourne, Sky wanted to elevate the premium vibe of the brand to create our ideal retail space. The initial concept behind the store was to create a fun, fresh and positive atmosphere that provided a space for our community to share in.

February: Becoming a Reality…

Taking her inspiration from page to reality, Sky started to meet with the Melbourne Central team and made site visits to the centre to explore new possibilities for the business. This is when the concept for our retail space really started to take form, and the excitement began to set in as we locked in a spot that would not only fit, but truly evolve our vision.


March: Drafting Our Vision 

Meeting with the amazing architects and team at ACRD, we began to draft our vision; working together to create a design for our store that both optimised the space and aligned with our identity as a brand.



April: …Still Planning 

March rolled into April where our design process continued, re-imagining plans and tweaking our initial vision to create a store space that was functional, unique, authentic, and eye-catching. Come the end of the month and we had struck gold with an idea that would not only add another layer of excitement to the design process but would truly bring our dream space to life- DENIM!

We wanted this space to best complement our pieces, that take you day into night, so, we felt the casual but chic nature of denim was the perfect element that would bring together our store design.


May- August: Ready for Production!                            

After 4 months of going through the careful and considered processes of envisioning, planning and designing, the final drawings for our store were confirmed with our architects at ACRD, which meant our fixtures were ready for construction. And by August our dream store began to materialise; with our designed space officially going into production!







October: Preparing for Launch

October saw the exciting shipment of our custom-built retail store layout, ahead of our opening in November!

The process of receiving and clearing our fixtures was a complicated journey, with the unforeseen delay of our shipment pushing back our opening a further two weeks. Disappointed, but optimistic we made the most of this extra time to perfect everything.

Through October, Sky also brought together a team of 7 amazing girls to help operate our store; this was a huge but exciting process for our growing business, that marked the advent of a new and even bigger journey.  


November: The Opening 

On Monday the 13th of November, our months of dreaming, planning, designing, and organising finally came together. With the help of the team at Southern Cross, who carefully put our space together, the Luv Sky Melbourne Central store opened to the public.

We are so grateful for the overwhelming support from friends, family and our community who have stopped by and said hi. We cannot wait to continue meeting so many of you and sharing what we have created with you!

xx Luv Sky xx


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